Thank you Faye,
We are still very proud of how far we got considering the many complex circumstances.
Your support and kind words mean a lot to us.
Thank you again for supporting us from the start, and not forgetting about us after all these years.
That said we were never finished, and we feel there is so much we weren't able to show (like the now Metaverse and VR) and so many ways we wanted to extend what we had, some of whch you can see in Firebase/Trello/Canva/Murally/Jamboard/Freeform/Tiltbrush etc. I think we had really good takes on what these communication experiences should be like. Even today we use other products in organizations and at home and are always disappointed in the execution and passion for the problems.
Collusion still stands as a personal monument of our accomplishment for Nav and I. It certainly does stand as proof that we knew where the world was headed more than a decade ago. In hindsight we were behind the eight-ball about so many things like Apple and the eventual Pencil, the massive change of working to remote-working, the movement towards the Metaverse and so much more.
It's truly unfortunate we weren't able to get as far as we hoped ... but perhaps the story is still not over.
Here is a cheeky screenshot of an internal working VR demo from 2015!